Wooden Paddle Bat and Ball

Product code: TS0131

£2.99 (excluding VAT)

A genuinely fun item and a great icebreaker and energiser. The wooden bat and ball is also perfect to demonstrate coaching and feedback skills. Sample exercise:

  • Split the group into pairs.
  • Round 1: A has one minute to bounce the ball as many times as they can. B counts the number of bounces. The trainer times 1 minute and records the result.
  • Round 2: B has one minute to bounce the ball as many times as they can. A counts the number of bounces. The trainer times 1 minute and records the result.
  • Round 3: Participant B has 30 seconds to coach A on their ‘bouncing technique’. A then has a further one minute to bounce the ball as many times as they can. B counts the number of bounces. The trainer times and records the score next to their first score.
  • Round 4: Participant A has 30 seconds to coach B on their ‘bouncing technique’. B then has a further one minute to bounce the ball as many times as they can. A counts the number of bounces. The trainer times and records the score next to their first score.
  • Reward / applaud the participant who increased their score the most and the coach who coached this increase.

Size: 14cm diameter x 28cm long