Gremlin Cards
Product code: TS2157
£36.00 (excluding VAT)
7 in stock
Get to know your inner Gremlin and those of your colleagues. Regardless of our status in life we all live with our inner Gremlins, that little voice in our head or chip on our shoulder, often limiting us in the decisions we make. Knowing what your Gremlins are and those of your colleagues can be an incredibly useful thing to know. All of a sudden “WHY” people behave in a certain way makes complete sense. Learning how to manage and essentially live above your Gremlins can lead to more effective decision making and unlocking of potential, which we may previously have talked ourselves out of.
This pack of 30 cards will enable you, your learners and colleagues to connect at a very different level. Cards can be used in a melting pot scenario – display all 30 cards on a table or floor – ask participants to pick 1 – 2 Gremlin cards ( they will know them when they see them) and then share “WHY and what they mean to them” in a group setting. This is particularly effective when used in conjunction with the Personal Values cards – showing the light and shade of our character.