Coaching for Performance Book

Product code: TS0030

£16.99 (excluding VAT)

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership – Sir John Whitmore

“A must read for any coach aspiring to do advanced work with their clients. Bringing together the simplicity of the coaching process and the larger scope of the coaching profession in a readable and provocative way, Coaching for Performance forecasts the necessary evolution that awaits the world of business and the world of coaching.” Laura Whitworth, co-founder of The Coaches Training Institute and author of Co-Active Coaching

“John Whitmore has ensured that the book will remain the leading text in its field. The layout makes reading the book pleasurable and greatly assists in appreciating its content. The book falls into four sections. The first introduces the principles of coaching and shows it as a way of managing, an attitude of mind rather than a tool to effect a one-off change. The second section and core of the book deals with the practices of coaching. The approach taken is wide-ranging and usefully includes team coaching. Ideas drawn from management development are interwoven with coaching methodologies drawn from the social sciences. The third section is devoted to leadership for high performance. Leadership in the world today calls for pride of place in a book on management coaching. Whitmore achieves in a few pages what full works on leadership often fail to reach – an understanding of the subject and sound advice on sowing the seeds to develop the skills to lead others. The final section looks at emotional intelligence (EI) and the tools of transformational psychology. Fortunately Whitmore, a qualified psychologist, is thoroughly grounded and relates the coaching process without peeling off into mysticism or spiritualism. If you read an earlier edition then little persuasion will be required to read this edition to bring you up to the cutting edge of coaching.” -Professional Manager

“Overall, the newly written sections on leadership for high performance and transformation through transpersonal coaching really stand out. They are up-to-date, relevant and make a significant challenge to the readers mindset. These pages offer interesting dimensions on models of psychosynthesis, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and boundaries in coaching.” -People Management

Over 500,000 copies sold. This major new edition is totally revised and updated with new material on coaching in a crisis and leadership for a difficult future. Coaching for Performance is the bible of the industry and very much the definitive work that all coaches stand on. This new edition explains clearly and in-depth how to unlock people s potential to maximise their performance Contains the eponymous GROW model (Goals, Reality, Options, Will), now established as the basis for coaching professionals Clear, concise, hands-on and reader-friendly, this is a coaching guide written in a coaching style. This new edition digs deep into the roots of coaching, particularly transpersonal psychology, a useful model for personal development and in-depth coaching. There are new coaching questions and fresh chapters on emotional intelligence and high-performance leadership. Whitmore also considers the future of coaching and its role in the transformation of learning and workplace relationships, as well as illustrating how coaching can help in a crisis.

Author: Sir John Whitmore


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